About RCBJSF-8
We are pleased to welcome you to The 8th Russia/CIS/Baltic/Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity (RCBJSF-8) in Tsukuba, May 15-19, 2006. The symposium is organized by the organizing committee of RCBJSF-8, in cooperation with the Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, the Physical Society of Japan and the Japan Society of Applied Physics.
The 8th Russia/CIS/Baltic/Japan Symposium is a sequel to a series of Symposia on Ferroelectricity alternatively held in Russia and Japan since 1976. The first symposium was jointly initiated by Nobel Prize winner professor Prokhorov (Russia) and professor Kobayashi (Japan) and was held in 1976 in Novosibirsk. That and following (Kyoto (1980), Novosibirsk (1984),Tsukuba (1988), Moscow (1994), Noda (1998) and St Petersburg (2002) symposia provided the panel for the scientific discussion on the "hottest" aspects of ferroelectricity and were used for establishing and developing scientific cooperation between Japanese, Russian, CIS and Baltic scientists. The organizing committee sincerely hopes that this symposium will give all the participants new insights into the wide spread development of Ferroelectricity and will enhance the circulation, among them, of information released at the symposium.
We welcome you to the Tsukuba Science City. We hope you will enjoy a very pleasant and fruitful stay in Tsukuba.
S. Kojima
Tsukuba, April 2006
Opening address of the honorary chairman
Let me congratulate the opening of the 8th Russia, CIS, Baltic and Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity. This meeting was firstly launched 35 years ago in the Soviet Union. There has been no other bilateral gatherings of ferroelectricity than this symposium, which has advanced effectively for such a long period. It is also evident that our meeting has reached a noble goal that provides researchers of the several countries (which I will say several countries as our countries in what follows) with precious results and friendly relations that could not been obtained otherwise. Consequently, I feel it a great pleasure to address some words to my dear colleagues as the first founders of this meeting. First of all, I wish to condole heartily with Japanese and Russian friends of mine who paid essential role for establishing of this meeting but already passed away. Please allow me to describe my long cherished remembrance, which took place on the start of this meeting. I visited Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1971 by the invitation of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, whence the advisability of holding bilateral symposium on ferroelectricity was discussed and led to a perfect agreement. After a while, I received a letter which encouraged me to organize the first meeting in Japan. However, it was impossible at that time in Japan to organize two countries meeting under the auspices of our governmental organizations. There were no examples. I visited a few organizations including even the Ministry of Education in vain. I was obliged to ask Prof. Shuvalov to launch the meeting in Soviet Union first. The result was that the Soviet Academy accepted this proposal, indeed. However a natural condition was proposed from the Academy. That is to say, I myself ensure to organize the second one in Japan without fail. 'fata viam invenient' (The Fates will find out a way). I immediately promised it without hesitation. The Soviet Academy believed my personal contract. The first Symposium was held in Novosibirsk and second one in Kyoto both successfully. I embrace Soviet Academy's generous contract as the most pleasant and honorable experience in my life.
The salient feature of this Symposium is represented by the crucial debates arisen from both countries sides. However they are conducted on the basis of collaborative spirit. Therefore they are always penetrating and encouraging to our scientists.
I wish that 8th Symposium inherits the traditional benefits. In addition I believe it to be connected with the promising future ones.
J. Kobayashi
Honorary Chairman
Tsukuba, 15th May 2006
Opening address of the chairman

Participanting nations
