Time Table (final version)

Chair: Daniil Sannikov, Yoshiaki Uesu
10:20-11:05 PL-01 Vladislav Lemanov
"Phase Transitions and Dielectric Relaxation in Incipient Ferroelectrics with Impurities"
11:05-11:50 PL-02 Hiromoto Uwe, Hidetoshi Minami, Taichiro Nishio, Javed Ahmad, and Mitsuyuki Shizuya
"Bipolaronic Point Defects and Small-Polaron Excitations in Ba1-xKxBiO3 and BaPbxBi1-xO3"
ORAL SESSION 1; Perovskite I
Chair: Sergey Vakhrushev, Toshirou Yagi
13:10-13:40 IN-01 Mitsuru Itoh and Hiroki Taniguchi
"Ferroelectricity of SrTi18O3: Paradox in the Phase Transition Mechanism" (Invited)
13:40-14:00 OA-01 Tadahiko Ishikawa, Masaaki Kurita, Shin-ya Koshihara, Masaki Takesada, and Mitsuru Itoh
"High Carrier Mobility Coupled with Quantum Paraelectric Fluctuation"
14:00-14:20 OA-02 Cene Filipic and Adrijan Levstik
"Critical Behavior of Ferroelectric SrTi18O3"
14:20-14:40 OA-03 Masaki Takesada, Akira Onodera, Mitsuru Itoh, and Toshirou Yagi
"Demonstration of Perfect Softening of the Slater-Type Ferroelectric Mode on SrTi18O3"
14:40-15:00 OA-04 R. Wang, K. Hanada, K. Matsusaki, H. Bando, and M. Itoh
"Characterization of Vacancy Effects on the Strontium Titanate Doped Potassium-Sodium Niobate Solid Solution"
Chair: Boris Strukov, Eiko Matsushita
15:10-15:40 IN-02 S. Vakhrushev, A. Naberezhnov, A. Ivanov, T. Egami, and W. Dmowski
"Temperature Evolution of Static and Dynamic Structure of Relaxors" (Invited)
15:40-16:10 IN-03 R. Pirc, R. Blinc, V. Bobnar, and A. Gregorovic
"Giant Electrostriction in Relaxor Polymers" (Invited)
16:10-16:30 OA-05 Akitoshi Koreeda and Seishiro Saikan
"Quasielastic Light Scattering by Phonon-Density Fluctuations in Dielectric Crystals and a Novel Macroscopic Analysis for the Scattered Spectra"
16:30-16:50 OA-06 Severian Gvasaliya, Bertrand Roessli, Roger Cowley, Seiji Kojima, and Sergey Lushnikov
"Neutron Scattering Studies of the Low-Frequency Dynamics of 0.68PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-0.32PbTiO3 and PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3"
ORAL SESSION 3; Structual Phase Transition I
Chair: Sergey Lushnikov, Takasuke Matsuo
13:10-13:40 IN-04 Yulian Vysochanskii, Ruslan Yevych, Sergij Perechinskii, and Mykhajlo Khoma
"Lattice Dynamics at Phase Transitions Near Lifshitz Point in Proper Monoclinic Ferroelectrics" (Invited)
13:40-13:55 OY-01 Jun Kano, Keita Sasanuma, Shinya Tsukada, Seiji Kojima, Ruiping Wang, Kotaro Hanada, Kunio Matsusaki, and Hiroshi Bando
"B2 Soft Mode of Piezoelectric (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-SrTiO3 Ceramics in the Tetragonal-Orthorhombic Morphotropic Phase Boundary Studied by Raman Spectroscopy"
13:55-14:10 OY-02 Valentina Fokina, Igor Flerov, Michail Gorev, Maxim Molokeev, and Aleksander Vasiliev
"Effect of Cationic Substitution on Ferroelectric and Ferroelastic Phase Transitions in Oxyfluorides A2A'WO3F3 (A, A': K, NH4, Cs)"
14:10-14:25 OY-03 Mizuki Yamato, Daisuke Matsumoto, Yosuke Urakami, and Yukio Watanabe
"Universality of Conductance Peaking in Ferroeletric Phase Transition: Impurity Doped BaTiO3 and (Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3)0.92(PbTiO3)0.08 Single Crystals"
14:25-14:40 OY-04 Yuji Hiruma, Kazushige Yoshii, Hajime Nagata, and Tadashi Takenaka
"Investigation of Phase Transition Temperatures on (Bi1/2Na1/2)TiO3- (Bi1/2K1/2)TiO3-BaTiO3 Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramics by Electrical Measurements"
14:40-14:55 OY-05 Yuji Ike, Yu Matsuda, Chihiro Matsui, and Seiji Kojima
"Brillouin Scattering Study of Elastic Anomaly in Lithium Borate Glasses"
ORAL SESSION 4; Perovskite II
Chair: Zdravko Kutnjak, Masaki Takesada
15:10-15:40 IN-05 A. Onodera, S. Mouri, M. Fukunaga, M. Takesada, and H. Yamashita
"Bi-Layered Perovskite Oxides As a Model for Ultra-Thin Ferroelectric Films" (Invited)
15:40-15:55 OY-07 Dmitry Pelegov, Vladimir Shur, Gennady Lomakin, Oksana Yakutova, Ekaterina Nikolaeva, Ivan Baturin, Evgenii Rumyantsev, and Vera Shikhova
"Kinetics and Statics of Nanoscale Domain Structures in Relaxors: PLZT Ceramics and SBN Single Crystals"
15:55-16:10 OY-08 Motoi Nagasawa, Takeo Tojo, Hitoshi Kawaji, and Tooru Atake
"Thermodynamic Studies of the Phase Transitions and Relaxor Behavior of BaTi1-xZrxO3"
16:10-16:25 OY-09 Yosuke Urakami, Mizuki Yamato, and Yukio Watanabe
"Surface Conduction on Poled BaTiO3 Single Crystals in Ultra High Vacuum"
16:25-16:40 OY-10 S. Tsukada, Y. Ike, J. Kano, T. Sekiya, Y. Shimojo, R. Wang, and S. Kojima
"Diffuse Phase Transition of 0.7Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.3PbTiO3 Single Crystals Studied by Micro-Brillouin Scattering"
POSTER SESSION 1 17:00-18:30
Chair: Boris Strukov, Yoshiaki Uesu
PA-01 Daisuke Matsumoto, Mizuki Yamato, Yosuke Urakami, and Yukio Watanabe
"Electrical Conductivity of Insulating SrTiO3 and LaGaO3 at Phase Transitions"
PA-02 Vladimir Shur, Alexey Lobov, Ekaterina Nikolaeva, Eugene Shishkin, Alevtina Shur, and Mikhail Dolbilov
"Shapes of Isolated Micro-Domains and Self-Assembled Ensembles of Nano-Domains in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3"
PA-03 Sigeru Kaku and Yukio Watanabe
"Temperature-Induced Miniature Insulator-Metal Transitions in Epitaxial BaTiO3 Films"
PA-04 Rauf Sardarly, Mahmud Kerimov, Ogtay Samedov, Ilham Sadykhov, and Arzu Nadzhafov
"Relaxor Properties of Layered Semiconductors Composites With Nanoregions in Incommensurate State"
PA-05 Huarong Zeng, Kiyoshi Shimamura, E. A. Garcia Villora, C. Venkadasamy Kannan, Shunji Takekawa, Kenji Kitamura, and Qingrui Yin
"Near-Field Acoustic Imaging of Ferroelectrics by Atomic Force Microscopy"
PA-06 Ivan Baturin, Vladimir Shur, Ekaterina Nikolaeva, and Eugene Shishkin
"Wake-up and Aging Effects during Cyclic Motion of the Single Plane Domain Wall in GMO"
PA-07 Vladimir Shur, Dmitry Kuznetsov, Alexei Lobov, Dmitry Pelegov, Mikhail Dolbilov, and Ekaterina Nikolaeva
"Formation of Self-Similar Surface Nanoscale Domain Structures in Lithium Niobat Caused by Pulse Laser Irradiation"
PA-08 Yasuhiro Yoneda, Kenji Yoshii, and Jun'ichiro Mizuki
"Magnetic and Ferroelectric Properties of (Bi1-xLax)FeO3"
PA-09 Evgeny Milov, Vladimir Milov, Boris Strukov, Yoshiaki Uesu, and Kazuyoshi Yamazaki
"Polarization Reversal and Domain Structure of High Temperature Ferroelectric LaBGeO5"
PA-10 Go Yoshida, Kazuki Sawada, Eisuke Magome, Masaru Komukae, and Mitsuo Machida
"Structural Study of Ferroelastic Phase Transition in TlH2PO4"
PA-11 Eisuke Magome, Yusuke Hayashi, Masaru Komukae, and Mitsuo Machida
"Crystal Structures of Tetragonal and Monoclinic RbD2PO4 Crystals"
PA-12 Martynas Kinka, Juras Banys, and Alexandr Naberezhnov
"Dielectric Properties of Sodium Nitrite Confined in Porous Glass"
PA-13 Toshio Kikuta, Daisuke Hamatake, Toshinari Yamazaki, and Noriyuki Nakatani
"Crystal Structure of the Ferroelectric Phase of Triglycine Sulfate under an Electric Field"
PA-14 Ricardas Sobiestianskas, Juras Banys, Algirdas Brilingas, Jonas Grigas, Antoni Pawlowski, and Bozena Hilczer
"Dielectric Properties of Rb3H(SeO4)2 and (NH4)3H(SO4)2 Crystals in Room- and High-Temperature Phases"
PA-15 Serges Eric Mkam Tchouobiap and Hiroyuki Mashiyama
"Mean-Field Theory Description of Structural Phase Transitions in a Model Ferroelectric with Double Morse Substrate Potential"
PA-16 Fuminao Shimizu and Masaaki Takashige
"Dielectric and Phase Transitional Properties of Cs2MnI4"
PA-17 Hirokazu Furue, Atsushi Kozuki, Kotomi Shinkawa, and Jun Hatano
"Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cell With Phase Separated Composite Organic Film"
PA-18 Hiroyuki Yoneyama, Kazuo Akagi, and Hiromasa Goto
"Synthesis and Dielectric Property of Methine-Bridged Type Ferroelectric p-Conjugated Polymer"
PA-19 Mizuho Sanada and Kazuhiro Hara
"Dehydration of Hydrogels Induced by Electric Current"
PA-20 Hiroshi Yoshimitsu, Yuuki Tamura, and Mistuo Machida
"NMR Study of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal DOBAMBC"
PA-21 Hiromasa Goto, Hiroyuki Yoneyama, Kiyoshi Suda, and Kazuo Akagi
"Synthesis and Dielectric Property of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Polythiophene Derivatives"
PA-22 A. V. Svanidze, I. L. Sashin, S. G. Lushnikov, I. M. Kuznetsova, K. K. Turoverov, and Seiji Kojima
"Inelastic Incoherent Neutron Scattering in Some Proteins"
PA-23 Hirotake Shigematsu, Yukikuni Akishige, Severian Gvasaliya, Vladimir Pomjakushin, Sergey Lushnikov, and Seiji Kojima
"Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of the Phase Transition in BaTi2O5"
PA-24 Shunsuke Nozawa, Tokushi Sato, Ayana Tomita, Kotaro Ishiji, Toshiaki Iwazumi, and Shin-ya Koshihara
"The Photo-Induced Structural Effect in Quantum Paraelectric SrTiO3 Probed by X-ray Spectroscopic Method"
PA-25 Jun Kawanabe, Hidetishi Minami, Kunihiko Oka, Ryota Oishi, and Hiromoto Uwe
"Floating Zone Growth of SrTiO3 Single Crystals and Characterization by Electronic Transport Property"
PA-26 Kazuaki Kobayashi, Jun-ichi Inoue, Masao Arai, Akihiro Tanaka, and Taizo Sasaki
"First-Principles Study of Ferroelectric Materials"
PA-27 George Cordoyiannis, Zdravko Kutnjak, Samo Kralj, Slobodan Zumer, and George Nounesis
"Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Quenched Random Disorder upon the Ferroelectric Phase Transition of Liquid Crystal Compounds Confined by Aerosil Networks"
PA-28 Kazumasa Yamada, Shigeru kaku, Mizuki Yamato, Daisuke Matsumoto, and Yukio Watanabe
"The Temperature Dependece of Relaxation of Resistive Memory Effect in a Metal/PLZT Thin Film"
PA-29 Anna Mishina, Elena Mishina, Natalia Sherstyuk, Alexandr Sigov, and Konstantin Vorotilov
"Non-Linear Optical Properties of Ferroelectric Thin Films and Nanostructures"
PA-30 Andrey Fedyanin, Elena Mishina, Vladimir Muhortov, Theo Rasing, Alexandr Sigov, Andrey Vasiliev, and Alexandr Zaitsev
"Polarization Switching in Ferroelectric Thin Films and Nanostructures"
PA-31 Rostyslav Vlokh, Igor Teslyuk, Yuriy Nastishin, and Yuriy Vasylkiv
"Growth of Biological Lysozyme Crystals and Their Structural Phase Transition"
PA-32 Ljubov Kirpichnikova, A. Pietraszko, and A. Sheleg
"Structure and Phase Transitions in Some Crystal Containing [(CH3)2NH2] and MeCl4"
PA-33 Ilya Shnaidshtein and Sergey Grabovsky
"Influence of the Complex Molecular Impurities on the Ferroelectric Phase Transition in KDP Crystals"
OY-06 T. Asada, T. Shibata, and Y. Koyama
"Ferroelectric Domain Structures Near the MPB in (1-x)Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3"

ORAL SESSION 5; Perovskite III
Chair: Jae-Hyeon Ko, Ruiping Wang
09:15-09:45 IN-06 Takaaki Tsurumi, Takakiyo Harigai, Song-Min Nam, Hirofumi Kakemoto, and Satoshi Wada
"Dielectric Properties of Perovskite-type Artificial Superlattices" (Invited)
09:45-10:05 OA-07 K. S. Aleksandrov, A. N. Vtyurin, S. V. Goryainov, A. S. Krylov, S. N. Krylova, A. D. Shefer, N. G. Zamkova, and V. I. Zinenko
"Raman Spectra and High Pressure Phase Transitions in RbMnCl3 Crystal"
10:05-10:25 OA-08 Satoshi Wada, Akiko Saito, Takuya Hoshina, Hirofumi Kakemoto, Takaaki Tsurumi, Chikako Moriyoshi, and Yoshihiro Kuroiwa
"Crystal Growth of Large-Scale Silver Lithium Niobate Single Crystals and Their Piezoelectric Properties"
10:25-10:45 OA-09 G. Shabbir, A. H. Qureshi, and S. Kojima
"Structural and Dielectric Investigations of (1-x)Bi(Mg1/2Zr1/2)-xPbTiO3 High Temperature Piezoelectric Ceramics"
ORAL SESSION 6; Perovskite IV
Chair: Anatoly Baranov, Hirotake Shigematsu
11:00-11:30 IN-07 Yoshihiro Kuroiwa, Shinobu Aoyagi, Eiji Nishibori, Makoto Sakata, and Masaki Takata
"Electron Charge Density Study on the Phase Transitions in Perovskite-Type Oxides" (Invited)
11:30-11:50 OA-10 Igor Flerov, Michail Gorev, and Valentina Fokina
"Phase Transitions in Oxides, Fluorides and Oxyfluorides with the Ordered Perovskite Structure"
11:50-12:10 OA-11 L. A. Delimova, I. V. Grekhov, D. V. Mashovets, I. E. Titkov, V. P. Afanasjev, P. V. Afanasjev, G. P. Kramar, and A. A. Petrov
"Ageing of Thin-Film Capacitor Structures Based on PZT"
Chair: Tatyana Volk, Akira Onodera
13:10-13:40 IN-08 Tooru Atake, Yosuke Moriya, and Hitoshi Kawaji
"Thermodynamic Study of Perovskite Relaxors and Related Compounds" (Invited)
13:40-14:00 OA-12 Jae-Hyeon Ko, Do Han Kim, and Seiji Kojima
"Low-Frequency Central Peaks in Relaxor Ferroelectric PZN-9%PT Single Crystals"
14:00-14:20 OA-13 Zdravko Kutnjak, Jan Petzelt, and Robert Blinc
"Line of Critical Points and the Giant Electromechanical Response in Ferroelectric Relaxors"
14:20-14:40 OA-14 Sergey Lushnikov and Seiji Kojima
"Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering in Relaxor Ferroelectrics"
14:40-15:00 OA-15 Juras Banys, Robertas Grigalaitis, Algirdas Brilingas, Andris Sternberg, Vismants Zauls, and Karlis Bormanis
"Anomalous Broad Distribution of Relaxation Times in Mixed PMN-PSN Ceramics"
ORAL SESSION 8; Perovskite V
Chair: Rasa Pirc, Yukio Watanabe
15:10-15:40 IN-09 Yoshiaki Uesu and Hiroko Yokota
"Is Li-doped KTaO3 Really Relaxor?" (Invited)
15:40-16:10 IN-21 Alexander Sigov, Konstantin Vorotilov, Elena Mishina, and Olga Zhigalina
"Structure and Optical Properties of Perovskite Ferroelectric Thin Films and Nanostructures" (Invited)
16:10-16:30 OA-16 Nikita V. Ter-Oganessian
"Ferroelectric and Incommensurate Phases Induced by Atomic Ordering"
16:30-16:50 OA-17 Jianding Yu, Yasutomo Arai, Mitsuru Itoh, and Desheng Fu
"Dielectric Properties of Oxygen Deficient-Hexagonal BaTiO3 Single Crystal Grown by FZ Method"
16:50-17:10 OB-02 Serguey Odoulov, Alexander Shumelyuk, and Andryj Hrygorashchuk
"Optical Multivibrator with Ferroelectric Sn2P2S6"
ORAL SESSION 9; Application
Chair: Juras Banys, Tadashi Takenaka
09:15-09:45 IN-10 T. R. Volk, V. V. Gladkii, D. V. Isakov, L. I. Ivleva, and M. Woehlecke
"Ferroelectric and Optical Properties of Strontium-Barium Niobate Crystal Family (recent results)" (Invited)
09:45-10:05 OB-01 Yoshiro Tajitsu, Hiroaki Ueda, Kenji Imoto, Munehiro Date, and Eiichi Fukada
"Basic Studies for Application of Piezoelectric Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) to Sound Shielding Technology"
10:05-10:25 OA-18 R. F. Mamin, T. Egami, Z. Marton, and S. A. Migachev
"Giant Dielectric Permittivity and Colossal Magnetocapacitance Effect in Complex Manganites with High Conductivity"
10:25-10:45 OB-03 Toshio Ogawa
"Domain Evaluation in Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 Single Crystals by Impedance Response"
ORAL SESSION 10; Ferroics
Chair: Bertrand Roessli, Makoto Iwata
11:00-11:20 OA-24 S. Mori, J. Tokunaga, Y. Horibe, T. Katsufuji, T. Asada, and Y. Koyama
"Doping Effect on Ferroelectric Microstructure in YMn1-xTixO3"
11:20-11:40 OB-04 A. G. Kuznetsov, V. K. Malinovsky, A. M. Pugachev, and N. V. Surovtsev
"Salient Properties of Raman Central Peak in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 Crystals"
11:40-12:00 OB-05 Hiroyuki Mashiyama, Yukihiko Kawamura, Hironobu Kasano, Takanao Asahi, Yukio Noda, and Hiroyuki Kimura
"Disordered Configuration of Methylammonium of CH3NH3PbBr3 Determined by Single Crystal Neutron Diffractometry"
ORAL SESSION 11; Spectroscopy I
Chair: Alexander Klimov, Chikako Moriyoshi
13:10-13:40 IN-12 B. Roessli, S.N. Gvasaliya, M. Janochek, L. Keller, E. Pomjakushina, and K. Conder
"Magnetic Properties of YMnO3 Investigated by Elastic and Inelastic Neutron Scattering" (Invited)
13:40-13:55 OY-11 Yu Matsuda, Chihiro Matsui, Yuji Ike, Masao Kodama, and Seiji Kojima
"Dynamical Glass Transition of Lithium Borate Glasses Studied by Modulated Temperature DSC"
13:55-14:10 OY-12 Fumihito Shikanai, Keisuke Tomiyasu, Ryoji Kiyanagi, Masao Yonemura, Kenji Iwase, Dyah Sulistyanintyas,Tuerxun Wurnisha, Kazuhiro Mori, Toru Ishigaki, Itaru Tsukushi, Susumu Ikeda, and Takashi Kamiyama
"Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of Protonic Conductor K3H(SeO4)2"
14:10-14:25 OY-13 Takahiro Yoshida, Yosuke Moriya, Takeo Tojo, Hitoshi Kawaji, and Tooru Atake
"Heat Capacity and Phase Transition Phenomena in PbZr1-xTixO3 (0 <= x <= 1)"
14:25-14:40 OY-14 L.N. Korotkov, V.S. Dvornikov, I.V. Babkina, V.V. Posmet'yev, and Yu.V. Barmin
"Dielectric Anomalies in Amorphous BiFeO3"
14:40-14:55 OY-15 Mari Sato, Jun Kano, and Seiji Kojima
"Raman Scattering Study of Water-Ethanol Binary Mixtures"
ORAL SESSION 12; Thin Film and Domain I
Chair: Andris Sternberg, Ghulam Shabbir
15:10-15:40 IN-13 Vladimir Shur
"Kinetics of Micro- and Nano-Domain Structure in Single-Crystalline Lithium Niobate" (Invited)
15:40-15:55 OY-16 Atsusi Nidaira, Takeo Tojo, Hitoshi Kawaji, and Tooru Atake
"Colossal Particle Size Effects on Thermal Behavior of III - IV Phase Transition in CsZnPO4"
15:55-16:10 OY-18 Desheng Fu, Yosuke Arima, Hiroki Taniguchi, Tomoyasu Taniyama, Mitsru Itoh, Jianding Yu, and Shin-ya Koshihara
"Conductive Boundary Layer in CaCu3Ti4O12 with Giant-Dielectric-Response"
16:10-16:25 OY-19 Sigeru Kaku, Daisuke Matsumoto, and Yukio Watanabe
"PTCR-Like Property in Non-Equilibrium Nonlinear Conductance of Epitaxial BaTiO3 Films"
16:25-16:40 OY-20 S. A. Gridnev, A. G. Gorshkov, Ju. E. Kalinin, A. V. Sitnikov, and M. N. Kopitin
"Electrical and Dielectric Properties of Heterogeneous Cox(LiNbO3)1-x Nanocomposites"
16:40-16:55 OY-21 Xiaoyan Liu, Kazuya Terabe, Atsushi Nakanishi, Shunji Takekawa, and Kenji Kitamura
"Stability of Switched Domain Structure in LiTaO3 Single Crystals"
POSTER SESSION 2 17:00-18:30
Chair: Sergey Vakhrushev, Akira Onodera
PB-01 Oleg E. Kvyatkovskii
"Off-Center Ions and the Nature of the Phase Transition in Ferroelectrics with Perovskite Structure"
PB-02 Naohiko Yasuda, Tomokazu Banno, Kazuhiko Fujita, Hidehiro Ohwa, Mituyoshi Matushita, Yohachi Yamashita, Makoto Iwata, and Yoshihiro Ishibashi
"Piezoelectric Properties of Relaxor Ferroelectric Solid Solution Single Crystals PMN-PT and PZN-PT Near MPB Under Pressures"
PB-03 Wanwilai Chaisan, Rattikorn Yimnirun, and Supon Ananta
"Two-Stage Sintering of Barium Titanate Ceramic and Resulting Characteristics"
PB-04 Masakazu Amano, Yasuhisa Yamamura, and Kazuya Saito
"Heat Capacity and Phase Transitions of Phenazine-Chloranilic Acid"
PB-05 Naratip Vittayakorn, Gobwute Rujijanagul, and David P. Cann
"The Effect of Post-Sintering Annealing Induced Extrinsic Dielectric Properties in PZT-PZN Ceramics"
PB-06 Shunichi Hishita, Isao Sakaguchi, Naoki Ohashi, and Hajime Haneda
"The Effect of Pt-Electrode Structures on the Ferroelectric Properties of Bismuth Titanate Thin Films"
PB-07 K. Sasanuma, S. Tsukada, J. Kano, S. Kojima, R. Wang, K. Hanada, K. Matsusaki, and H. Bando
"Investigation on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of (1-x)(Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-xSrTiO3 Ceramics"
PB-08 Povilas Keburis, Juras Banys, Zbignev Bortkevic, Maria Elisabete Costa, Andrei L. Kholkin, and Jonas Grigas
"Dielectric Spectroscopy of BaBi2Ta2O9 (BBT) Ceramics"
PB-09 S. Mouri, M. Fukunaga, S. Hiramatsu, M. Takesada, and A. Onodera
"Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Bi-Layered Perovskite Sr2Bi4Ti5O18"
PB-10 Yutaka Aikawa, Tatsuo Sakashita, Toshimasa Suzuki, and Hirokazu Chazono
"Theoretical Consideration of Size Dependence for Barium Titanate"
PB-11 Mizuki Yamato, Yosuke Urakami, and Yukio Watanabe
"Non-Equilibrium Nature of Conductivity Peaking of BaTiO3 in Current-Time Characteristics"
PB-12 Makoto Iwata, Kohei Katsuraya, Rintaro Aoyagi, Masaki Maeda, and Ikuo Suzuki
"Domain-Wall Observation in Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-8%PbTiO3 by AFM"
PB-13 Ivan Baturin, Vladimir Shur, and Dmitrii Kuznetsov
"Nature of the Fatigue and Wake-up Effects in PZT Ceramics and Thin Films"
PB-14 Shigeru Suehara, Olivier Noguera, Takashi Aizawa, Satoru Inoue, and Shunichi Hishita
"Ab Initio Bond-(Hyper) Polarizability Calculations for Anionic Groups in Borate Nonlinear Optical Materials"
PB-15 Olivier Noguera and Shigeru Suehara
"High Non Linear Optical Properties in TeO2 Based Materials: Localized Hyperpolarisability Approach"
PB-16 Hirokazu Furue, Michiya Nakashiba, Yuho Noguchi, and Jun Hatano
"Fabrication of Defect-Free Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cells with Anti-Parallel Rubbed Alignment Films"
PB-17 Kazuhiro Hara, Misako Yoshigai, and Tetsuaki Nishida
"Utilization of Ion Capturing Property of Gels for Environmental Purification"
PB-18 Kazuhiro Hara, Yusuke Sueyoshi, Takao Tanigawa, Yoshinori Akai, Masaaki Sugiyama, and Toshiharu Fukunaga
"Dynamical Aspects in Dehydrated Gel"
PB-19 Oleg Ivanov, Ekaterina Skriptchenko, and Andry Chumakov
"Dielectric and Elastic Properties of (PFW)0.8-(PT)0.2 Ferroelectromagnet"
PB-20 Tatsuki Miyoshi, Hironobu Kasano, and Hiroyuki Mashiyama
"Displacement of IO4 Tetrahedron in the Phase II of Pyridinium Periodate"
PB-21 K. S. Aleksandrov, A. N. Vtyurin, Ju. V. Gerasimova, A. S. Krylov, N. M. Laptash, E. I. Voyt, and A. G. Kocharova
"Raman Spectra and Ordering Processes in Alcaline-Tungsten Oxyfluorides"
PB-22 D. G. Sannikov
"Theoretical Phase Diagrams of Quartz"
PB-23 Juras Banys, Jan Macutkevic, Vytautas Samulionis, and Yulian Vysochanskii
"Relaxor Like Behaviour of CuInP2(S0.25Se0.75)6 Crystals"
PB-24 Keiichi Moriya, Nobuyoshi Kariya, Ivan Pritz, Yulian M.Vysochanskii, Akira Inaba, and Takasuke Matsuo
"Low Temperature Calorimetric Study of Phase Transitions in CuInP2S6, CuInP2Se6 and CuCrP2S6"
PB-25 Yasuhisa Yamamura, Kenichi Amano, Hideki Saitoh, and Kazuya Saito
"Low-Temperature Heat Capacity of Tricyclohexylmethanol"
PB-26 T. Maekawa, O. Yamamuro, A. Inaba, T. Matsuo, M. Ohama, M. Ichikawa, and T. Tsuchida
"Deuteration-Induced Phase Transition in Chromous Acid DCrO2"
PB-27 Yuichi Seshimo, Yuji Ike, and Seiji Kojima
"Thermal Properties of Glass Transition of Ethylene Glycol Aqueous Solution"
PB-28 Vladimir P. Sakhnenko, and Nikita V. Ter-Oganessian
"Cation Ordering in Perovskites: Crystal Chemistry, Statistical Theory, Thermodynamics"
PB-29 E. P. Smirnova, A. V. Sotnikov, O. E. Kvyatkovskii, M. Weihnacht, and V. V. Lemanov
"Interrelation of Ferroelastic and Ferroelectric Phase Transitions in SrTiO3 with Impurities"
PB-30 Pavel A. Markovin, Michail E. Guzhva, Vladislav V. Lemanov, Aleksey G. Razdobarin, Vladimir A. Trepakov, and Mitsuru Itoh
"Short and Long Range Order Phenomena Induced in Quantum Paraelectrics"
PB-31 Vasyl Yatsyk
"Resonant Scattering of the Intensive Electromagnetic Fields of Waves by Dielectric Layer with Weakly Kerr-Like Nonlinearity"
OY-17 Shutaro Asanuma, Yoshiaki Uesu, Charlotte Malibert, and Jean Michel Kiat
"Structural Characterization of Pb(Sc1/2Nb1/2)O3-x%PbTiO3 Thin Films"
OA-27 Radmir V. Gaynutdinov, Natalya V. Belugina, and Alla L. Tolstikhina
"Atomic Force Microscopy of Ferroelectric TGS Crystal"

ORAL SESSION 13; Structual Phase Transition II
Chair: Jonas Grigas, Naohiko Yasuda
09:15-09:45 IN-14 Yukikuni Akishige
"Structural Phase Transition and Physical Properties on New Ba-Ti-O System Ferroelectrics, BaTi2O5" (Invited)
09:45-10:05 OA-19 Hiroki Taniguchi, Jianding Yu, Yasutomo Arai, Toshirou Yagi, Desheng Fu, and Mitsuru Itoh
"In Situ Raman Scattering Study on Successive Crystallization of Bulk BaTi2O5 Glass"
10:05-10:25 OA-20 D. G. Sannikov
"Theoretical Phase Diagrams for the [N(CH3)4]2CuCl4 Crystal in the External Electric Field"
10:25-10:45 OA-21 A. I. Baranov, V. V. Grebenev, and E. D. Yakushkin
"Structural Phase Transitions in Hydrogen Bonded Crystals Stimulated by Fast Proton Diffusion"
ORAL SESSION 14; Structual Phase Transition III
Chair: Igor Flerov, Jianding Yu
11:00-11:30 IN-15 Oleg E. Kvyatkovskii
"Quantum Fluctuations and Isotope Effect on the Curie Temperature in BaTiO3, PbTiO3 and KNbO3 from ab initio Calculations" (Invited)
11:30-11:50 OA-22 Eiko Matsushita and Satoshi Segawa
"A Model of Quantum Paraelectric-Ferroelectric Transition"
11:50-12:10 OA-23 V. Samulionis, J. Banys, and Yu. Vysochanskii
"Ultrasonic and Piezoelectric Investigation of Phase Transitions in Layered CuIn1-xCrxP2S6 Crystals"
ORAL SESSION 15; Multiferroics
Chair: Vladimir Shur, Mitsuru Itoh
13:10-13:40 IN-16 Tamio Oguchi, Yoshitaka Uratani, and Tatsuya Shishidou
"First-Principles Materials Design of Multiferroics" (Invited)
13:40-14:10 IN-17 Masanori Okuyama, Kwi-Young Yun, and Dan Ricinschi
"Study of Multiferroic Properties of BiFeO3 Thin Film" (Invited)
14:10-11:30 IN-11 Naoshi Ikeda, Shigeo Mori, and Kenji Yoshii
"Ferroelectricity from Valence Ordering in RFe2O4"
14:30-14:50 OA-25 Rostyslav Vlokh, Orest Vlokh, Ivan Klymiv, and Dmytro Adamenko
"Magnetogyration Effect in Absorbing Polar Crystals"
ORAL SESSION 16; Thin Film and Domain II
Chair: Oleg Kvyatkovskii, Naoshi Ikeda
15:00-15:30 IN-18 Boris Strukov, Sulkhan Davitadze, Vladislav Lemanov, Semen Shulman, Yoshiaki Uesu,and Shutaro Asanuma
"Comparative Study of Phase Transitions in Polycrystalline and Epitaxial BaTiO3 Thin Films by Means of Specific Heat Measurements" (Invited)
15:30-16:00 IN-19 Andris Sternberg, Vismants Zauls, Karlis Kundzins, Maija Antonova, and Maruta Dambekalne
"Local Induced Polarization in Modified Ferroelctric Ceramics and Thin Films" (Invited)
16:00-16:20 OA-26 Dan Ricinschi and Masanori Okuyama
"A Study of Field-Dependent Domain Dynamics from Measurements of Ferroelectric Hysteresis Loops and Their Modeling"
16:20-16:40 OA-28 Yoshihiro Ishibashi and Makoto Iwata
"Domains and Domain Walls in Ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12"
ORAL SESSION 17; Condensed Matter
Chair: Valery Malinovsky, Yukikuni Akishige
09:15-09:35 OB-06 Noritaka Kato, Hirosawa Ichiro, Masugu Sato, Naoshi Ikeda, Ken-ichi Iimura, and Yoshiaki Uesu
"Structural Phase Transition in Two-Dimensional Crystallites of Organic Dye Molecules Formed on Aqueous Subphases"
09:35-09:55 OB-07 V. K. Yarmarkin, S. G. Shulman, and V. V. Lemanov
"Pyroelectric Properties of Novel Protein Aminoacid-Based Single Crystals"
09:55-10:15 OB-08 Akira Sakai, Takuya Mizushima, and Chikako Moriyoshi
"Raman Scattering Spectra of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Crystallization Water in Cu(HCOO)2-4H2O Near the Antiferroelectric Phase Transition"
10:15-10:35 OB-09 M. Kinka, J. Banys, R. Sobiestianskas, G. Volkel, W. Bohlmann, M. Hartmann, and A. Poppl
"Effect of Confinement on the Freezing-Melting Dynamics of MeOH"
ORAL SESSION 18; Spectroscopy II
Chair: Yulian Vysochanskii, Akira Sakai
10:50-11:20 IN-20 Jonas Grigas, Ewa Talik, and Valentinas Lazauskas
"X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Ferroelectrics" (Invited)
11:20-11:40 OB-10 T. Matsuo, O. Yamamuro, A. Inaba, M. Ohama, T. Mochida, and T. Sugawara
"Far Infrared Spectra of Tunnelling Protons in Bromo- and Iodo-Hydroxyphenalenone at Low Temperature"
11:40-12:00 OB-11 Alexander Klimov, Vladimir Kubarev, and Vladimir Shumsky
"Terahertz Sensitivity of Pb1-xSnxTe:In"