About RCBJSF-9
Our organizing committee has decided next 9th Russia/CIS/Baltic/Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity (RCBJSF-9) will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 15 to 20, 2008. And, our committe has also decided to change a holding interval from every 4 years to 2 years because of the strong desire from Russia/CIS/Baltic sides.
RCBJSF-9 website is provided in: http://www.rcbjsf.ff.vu.lt/
(Mar 05, 2007 updating)
Lithuania is one of the Baltic states. The Baltic states refer to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and sometimes Finland. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania were controlled by the Soviet Union during 1940-1941 and 1944(1945)-1991, and have been members of the European Union since 2004. Today the three countries are liberal democracies, parliamentary republics, and very quickly growing market economies. Finland was also subjected to Soviet aggression during World War II and has a close historical relationship and close cultural ties with Estonia, thus Finland is sometimes included as a Baltic State [Wikipedia contributors , 'Baltic countries', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 31 May 2006, 02:29 UTC].

Map in medieval Europe

Territory: 65 303 km2
~3,48 mln. (83,45 % Lithuanians, 6,74 % Polish, 6,31 % Russians, and 3.50 % of other descents)
average winter temperature - 4.9°C
average summer temperature +17.0°C
annual precipitation - 748 mm
State language: Lithuanian
Currency: Litas
Major religion: Roman Catholics
Lithuanian border co-ordinates:
northern - latitude of 56°27' North
southern - latitude of 53°54' North
western - longtitude of 20°56' East
eastern - longtitude of 26°51' East
Lithuania has:
816 rivers longer than 10 km
2,834 lakes larger than 0.5 ha
Highest point:
Juozapine Hill (293,6 m)
The largest river:
Nemunas (937 km, 475 km in the territory of Lithuania)
The largest lake:
Druksiai (42,26 km2)
URL of Vilnius University: http://www.vu.lt/english/